YIPPEE! I'm so thrilled to share with you that I had the blessed opportunity to work with and along side Laurie Cosgrove Design to create a new and lovely updated brand! I'm so thrilled to share this with you today. After the last month of going back and forth on what I like and what was really "me", we came up with this...

Laurie did fantastic with my handwritten name. I'm totally loving how easygoing and free it is. Wakefield is also rocking my world, as I love the clean and crisp look it brings to the table.

You'll see this new logo popping up all over my social media, website and blog. :)

Also, as you've probably seen... I'm shooting intimate weddings and portraits. Oh, and I take care of two littles during the week, which basically makes me a photographer as well as a short-order cook, chauffeur, hairstylist, and teacher . . . so I'm incredibly grateful to Laurie for helping me reimagine my brand, and I'm eager to continue providing brides and seniors with adventurous and fun images.

You'll also be seeing new branding images, all taken by my dear friend Elena Ogle. They are fitting to my brand and I was honored to be in front of her camera!

'Til next time!
