Cohen 10 Months Old | PERSONAL

Sweet sweet Cohen.

Do you have a baby boy? Or have you wondered what it is like? Well let me tell you... this child loves food more than anyone I know. He is 100% happy if he has some sort of piece of food in his mouth. Unlike our daughter, who is currently three, who we can't get to eat a bite of anything without saying we will reward her with something afterwards. I know, I know, it is a sad game we play with her. But if we don't reward her, she'd probably just live off of bananas and milk. Cohen will be one year old in a short two months! He says "Dada", "Momma", "Bye-Bye", and "More!" (more is only in reference to food). He loves to clap, dance, wave bye-bye and give big high fives! He is so happy and relaxed.


And look at those chubby little hands. 

Until next time...


PersonalRachel Wakefield