The Birth of Cohen Eli Wakefield | PERSONAL

I'm so thrilled to share our story of how our second born, Cohen, arrived. Cohen Eli was due October 10th 2014. On Tuesday, October 7th, in the evening around 8:30pm- my water broke. I was just laying down on the couch and yep, pretty sure that was what it felt like to have your water break. "CLAY! I think my water just broke!" I yelled.

"Are you sure?"

"Um, I'm pretty sure. Get a bucket."

"Really? You think you need a bucket?"

"YES! I need a bucket. A bowl. Something. Hurry!"

He gets into the living room with a little shock on his face... "Oh, you aren't kidding."

This was it. He was coming! We were so thrilled. We called my husband Clay's parents immediately after so that we could drop our daughter Zoe off at their home before heading to the hospital. I thought that I would for sure start having contractions, you know like in the movies. We started our thirty minute drive to the hospital (if you are from Omaha, Methodist Women's Hospital). Clay and I just chatted and laughed the whole thirty minutes it took to get there. I felt completely normal, except for the fact that I kept wetting my pants. TMI? Sorry. Maybe you shouldn't continue to read this if that is too much for you. ;) I texted my friend Alex, who agreed to do the photography for his birth, that we were on our way!

Once we arrived at the hospital and after getting checked in, my doctor asked me to walk for an hour to get things moving. So Clay and I walked the hallways in Labor & Delivery. Every so often we would hear the song "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" play over the sound system. They play it every time a new baby was born. We were getting really excited that Cohen was coming.

After walking for a good hour or so, we returned to my delivery room. My contractions had started during our walk and started to get stronger. I decided to sleep a little, since at this time it was 11:30pm. I woke up at 1am to my nurse starting a low dose of pitocin so that my contractions would strengthen. At 4:30am I kindly asked for an epidural. :) Sorry all-natural mommas, I LOVE an epidural.


I slept from that time until about 10am. My doctor arrived and wanted me to start pushing at 10:15am. Great! I thought. I can't wait to get him out and meet our baby boy!


Woah. Why did I forget how hard that was? He was sunny side up. What's this have to do with getting him out? TWO HOURS OF PUSHING. When a baby is sunny side up, pushing becomes more difficult and takes twice as long for the baby to get out. He was stuck for a while, with no progress. Changing positions after two hours not only helped, but BOOM there he was.

At 12:07pm (while you were probably eating lunch), he finally arrived, with his cord wrapped around his neck three times. Nurses were in shock, because his heart rate never went down while pushing. He's a tough little man!

Cohen Eli Wakefield | 7lbs 15oz | 21 inches long

Right after entering the world, he grasps the nurse's finger.

Brand new baby in the world <3

So big. 

Beautiful boy.

As they placed his sweet new little body on mine, my heart was overwhelmed with accomplishment, joy, aching love and thankfulness. There was nothing more precious than that very moment. At 12:10 they played "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" for our sweet new baby entering the world.

I'll never forget this moment and feeling.

My dear friend Alex with Delightful One Photography beautifully captured this once in a life time event. Just like wedding photography, you can't go back to that moment and day and "redo" it. These images will forever be close to my heart, and a reminder of the good God that I get to serve and love. For He has blessed us with two beautiful children that I could have never imagined myself having. To Him be the glory.