I photograph people for a living, so why is it that when I get in front of the camera I get all awkward and feel like I don't know how to even smile?! Ya feel me?! 

Feeling comfortable and REAL is something I think we all want. That's why I'm including these three tips you've got to know before you get out and have your first shoot. Or heck! Maybe you shoot often (hello boss babes!) and you just want to feel your most natural self in front of the camera. You've gotta have these tips to chill out & have a good time. xx

1 // MUSIC

This sounds like a wait WAAAA? But you'd be surprised how easy-peezy a shoot can go if you've got some music playing. I play my fav playlists on my UE ROLL for shoots. This gets my client's attention off of "what do I do with my hands" to dancing, BEE-BOPPING around and laughing. This makes it feel FUN, and takes your attention off of yourself. 


The minute you start thinking secretly to yourself "Is this how I smile? Does my arm look fat? Am I looking like a dork?" You may start to get a little awkward. Can we be real here? We've all wondered these things to ourselves. STOP IT. ;) But really this leads me to the next point...



BOOM BABAYYYY. This is going to solve most of our problems here with feeling a bit (or a lot) insecure. I'm talking about FULL TRUST HERE. Feel the freedom to feel silly. Your photographer shoots a lot of people every month. They are used to seeing silly photos. They're on the HUNT for the top of the top. I am always culling photos carefully, only choosing the BEST photos of my free-spirited babes & couples. Trust is huge. Just feel free to MOVE, DANCE to the music and know that your photographer will make you look incredible. 

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photo maker of the free-spirited ✨