PERSONAL // What it looks like to be a mom + photographer at the same time.

personal post


I feel like everyone wants to know a more personal side of the person they see online. I mean, who doesn't? I wanted to share these photos of me and my sweet Zoe and Cohen for a few reasons. I spend much more of my time during every day serving, playing and teaching these two sweet faces. Photography only takes up probably 20% of my week (when you're a mom you've got to have owning a business down to a science!! haha). These guys make my real job being their mama and I love that! I feel like no one sees that from the other side of the screen. All they see is wedding photos, travel adventures and coffee dates out. But reality is, I'm a wife and mom before I'm a professional. Gosh I have to say, my job makes me feel so much freedom (creatively I get to let loose and do what I think God created me to do). And being home with little ones is no easy task, but it's so incredibly life giving. Both hats I wear are so different and make my cup overflow. Here's to sharing a personal side guys. πŸ’ž

this is Co ↓ my 3 year old squishy boy.

ONE | They mean the world to me, and I want to share that! Fitting an ideal "brand" is tough when you're a one-woman-show. Sharing little kids on a platform that is aimed at brides looking to get married doesn't entirely make sense. But what I'm realizing is that it DOES make sense for them to connect to me for who I am--photographer, wife and mama! I'm sure people want to see my life besides just shooting weddings. 

TWO | They grow so fast, and this is a way to preserve it. Sharing these is kind of like journaling. I can come back to this post whenever I feel like, and they can come back to it when they're grown and out of the house. To me, that's really neat. They'll get to see what mom did when they grow up! And I want their tiny faces involved. 

I hope to write more of these, and give little glimpses into my life as it really is. Being a traveling photographer isn't always the dream when it comes to leaving these sweethearts. I'm hoping once we completely settle in California (if you don't know we're in the middle of moving from Omaha, Nebraska to Los Angeles for Clay's Seminary) I'll be able to just shoot locally in California. And if not, I can hopefully just pack up our entire family and go wherever I need to shoot! That's the dream guys. Maybe Clay will become an author and help make that dream a reality. Haha. 

PS // if you're a mom and photographer feel free to leave encouragement to other mamas reading this post below. we're a sweet community of women, and we need each other! 


Rachel Wakefield