Christine Caine Lifestyle Photos


I’m still in awe of how things work out in the world of faith. In a transition of moving my business across the states (NE>CA), not knowing where my clientele will all pour in from (just recently realized I had no reviews on google, whoops) had left me anxious at times. I had prayed so many times for the clients that God wanted for me, which means real people that He wanted to me to meet, know and help share their hearts and their story. Over and over I prayed, my friends prayed and I had nothing but FAITH to rely on. Because obviously my clients weren’t coming in from Google reviews. God introduced me to this woman, Christine. Believe it or not, but I actually had never heard of her or her story. When I was initially contacted about doing their photos I had to ask Clay if he knew who she was. Of course he had heard of her. :) Showing up to their home and getting to know them briefly as a family was the best introduction to this woman’s ministry that anyone could have asked for. Being in her joyful presence, I immediately saw what people were drawn to. Nick (her husband) even carried my gear back up from the beach after we had finished the shoot. What true servants these people are. The fame + spotlight that this family has been in is a true testimony that they are all about God’s glory. I admired this so much. 💛🙌🏻

To the Caine family, thank you for allowing me and all of my awkward-goofy-weirdness to grace your presence. It was such an honor to be your photographer. Keep chasing God’s dream, you inspire and help more people than you know. 💫


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