BOSS BABE SARAH // holy yoga in omaha, nebraska

Sarah, her passion for Jesus & how she's sharing the Gospel with yoga.

HOLY YOGA "A yoga community on mission to bring the Gospel to the ends of the earth through the modality of yoga."



R // What led you to do Holy Yoga?

Sarah // "I learned about Holy Yoga several years ago from a family member who lives in Atlanta.  We were talking about exercise and I had just done yoga for the first time at a studio and loved it.  When I learned there was a Christian ministry dedicated to practicing yoga and meditating on Jesus, I wanted to check it out.  I was so disappointed to learn that no one was offering Holy Yoga classes in Omaha.  A year later, I met a Holy Yoga instructor at a conference who said, "Maybe God would call YOU to start Holy Yoga in Omaha."  I laughed, but then could not stop thinking about it.  Two years later, after lots of prayer, conversation with my husband and cheerleading from friends, I signed up for the instructor training.  It still makes me laugh that I am a yoga instructor, but I know that God called me and I am so glad I said YES."

R // Is there anyone specifically that inspires you when it comes to yoga?

Sarah // "Goodness YES!  I'm thinking of all of the wonderful instructors I have learned from.  When I was about to start training I went to so many different classes to soak in as much as I could from each instructor.  I was feeling SO insecure because I knew I had no business being an instructor (except that God told me to).  One brave instructor gave me so much hope because to look at her you would not fit your preconceived body type of a yoga teacher, but she is strong and flexible and full of grace.  She is truly wonderful to learn from.  Another one of my favorite instructors works her students so hard but with all kinds of joy.  I can't really explain it, but you simultaneously hate going and can't wait to go back.  One of my Holy Yoga classmates has owned her own studio for decades but is still continuing her training.  She inspires me to never stop learning.  I could go on and on.  Each one inspires me in a different way.I'm also thinking of my fearless students.  So many are new to yoga, but they are brave and open and so supportive of my class.  I'm inspired every week to grow deeper in my walk with Jesus and to rely on the Holy Spirit to give me something to share with them, whether it's a word from him or just time and space to connect with him in a different way. 


I want to continue to grow in my own practice and teaching because they keep showing up."

R // A word of encouragement for other women (who want to start their own business)...

Sarah // "I really don't know because I definitely consider Rooted a ministry first and foremost.  Before I signed up for training my husband asked if the expense would cost us money or make us money.  My definitive answer was that it would cost us money.  I never wanted to start a business or have the pressure of having to turn a profit.  I am committed to teaching classes that are open to anyone regardless of ability to pay so I always teach by donation.  That being said, I did open a savings account for my donations so that I can set aside money for future expenses: insurance, marketing, further training, more blocks and mats (since we started running out!) and whatever else comes up.  I know that is an extreme privilege to be in that position and to have a spouse that agrees.  So I guess I would encourage women, if they are married, to have very open and honest communication about their goals.  My husband knows I am ministry minded, but I also think it's important for him to see that my ministry is supporting itself now too.  It has also become a family affair.  My husband coaches so I've taught classes for his high school athletes and he comes to my Rooted class whenever he can.  Our family is crazy busy so we try to keep running in the same direction."

I am committed to teaching classes that are open to anyone regardless of ability to pay so I always teach by donation.  That being said, I did open a savings account for my donations so that I can set aside money for future expenses: insurance, marketing, further training, more blocks and mats (since we started running out!) and whatever else comes up.  I know that is an extreme privilege to be in that position and to have a spouse that agrees.  So I guess I would encourage women, if they are married, to have very open and honest communication about their goals.  My husband knows I am ministry minded, but I also think it's important for him to see that my ministry is supporting itself now too.  It has also become a family affair.  My husband coaches so I've taught classes for his high school athletes and he comes to my Rooted class whenever he can.  Our family is crazy busy so we try to keep running in the same direction."

R // A word of encouragement for other women (who want to start their own business)...

Sarah // "I really don't know because I definitely consider Rooted a ministry first and foremost.  Before I signed up for training my husband asked if the expense would cost us money or make us money.  My definitive answer was that it would cost us money.  I never wanted to start a business or have the pressure of having to turn a profit.  I am committed to teaching classes that are open to anyone regardless of ability to pay so I always teach by donation.  That being said, I did open a savings account for my donations so that I can set aside money for future expenses: insurance, marketing, further training, more blocks and mats (since we started running out!) and whatever else comes up.  I know that is an extreme privilege to be in that position and to have a spouse that agrees.  So I guess I would encourage women, if they are married, to have very open and honest communication about their goals.  My husband knows I am ministry minded, but I also think it's important for him to see that my ministry is supporting itself now too.  It has also become a family affair.  My husband coaches so I've taught classes for his high school athletes and he comes to my Rooted class whenever he can.  Our family is crazy busy so we try to keep running in the same direction."

are you boss babe? want to connect for an experience to invite your following into your passion? I want to hear from you!